Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 4 Weekly Update

I have to admit that at first this SMART goal was a bit harder than I imagined, but after some resilience and dedication I am now able to follow my goal to a T. In case anyone forgot my goal is: I will drink five or fewer bottled beverages (Gatorade, Vitamin Water, Soda, etc.) a week and recycle all of them when finished drinking them. The hardest part of following my goal at first was that I purchased two cases of Gatorade and Vitamin Water prior to my SMART goal. I still did pretty well though I thought considering but still went over my quota. I recently tweaked my goal and added five beverages instead of three and found that to be much more manageable. Since I switched my goal a couple weeks ago I haven't gone over my goal. The holiday break didn't seem to hinder me at all in staying on track with my goal and I think it actually helped because I drank most of my beverages out of glasses. In fact, on black Friday I purchased a Bisphenol A free stainless steel water bottle to drink out of so I don't drink from plastic bottles. The best part of the purchase is that it was insanely cheap and good for the environment all at the same time! I don't plan on changing my goal and will stick to the five or fewer bottled beverages a week. Suggestions and advice are kindly offered and appreciated.


  1. Great job on your SMART goal this week! I think it's great that you purchased a BPA-free water bottle! It sounds like you are moving in the right direction so keep it up!

  2. Great job sticking to your goal. Over Thanksgiving I feel I drank more bottled water than I usually do in a week so good for you. Those stainless steel bottles are amazing. They are convenient and great for the environment.

  3. Great job, Matt! Sticking to goals around the holidays is definitely tough! Congrats on your new water bottle purchase, too! That will totally help!

  4. Nice! I too bought a BPA free water bottle that happens to be stainless steel. Can you say TWINS?! Ha. Great job staying on track during Thanksgiving and good luck!
