Friday, November 19, 2010

Share and Voice: Amazing Grace

I was browsing the Northland's News Center website and found an interesting article about Amazing Grace in Canal Park and how it is very green friendly. Since Amazing Grace opened they have added more biodegradable options for taking out food. In the dining room they also take a unique route to remain green. The plates that the food is served on, comes from a variety of sources such as Goodwill. Also, if you are taking coffee to go, the cup is biodegradable, and the lid. It can all be recycled. Finally, the majority of the food sold at Amazing Grace is locally purchased. You can check out the video and site below.

Source: Amazing Grace


  1. I knew that Amazing Grace was doing some eco-friendly things in their restaurant, but I did not realize the specifics. That is so great! I love their sandwiches and their lasagna when they have it. I ate there so much this summer with my friends. Knowing the information you shared above, I feel great about supporting this fantastic cafe. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I have always heard good things about Amazing Grace but I have never been there. It's great that they offer eco-friendly options to their customers. Great Post!

  3. That is awesome especially the fact that they get things from Good Will. It is kind of the same concept as junking...taking people's things they no longer want and reuse them! I actually just received some coupons for the Amazing Grace cafe so I am definitely going to have to check it out.

  4. Matt, I really liked this post! I enjoy going to Amazing Grace to eat or study or get coffee and I've always felt good about it because they're a pretty awesome local eco-friendly business. Do you go here a lot or did you just read the article? I'm really glad you posted this to get the word out!

  5. Yay!! I love Amazing Grace! I actually have four friends that work there and they all love it. We previously worked at Starbucks together but since they've switched, they've told me how much more they enjoy working there because they can take pride in providing healthy, natural, and yummy food! :) Something I always enjoy seeing when I go in there is the list of ingredients in their scones compared to Starbuck's ingredients. Amazing grace has 3 or 4 ingredients, Starbucks has over 20... just some food for thought!
