Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

Last week was the first week of my SMART goal which is: I will drink no more than 3 bottled beverages (Gatorade, Vitamin Water, soda, etc.) a week and will recycle all of them when finished drinking them. I definitely slipped a few times this past week I'm not going to lie, only because I purchased a case of Vitamin Water and Gatorade prior to making my SMART goal choice and I was deer hunting and we don't have running water of electricity so I had to drink out of a bottle :( I didn't do to bad though considering my circumstances/environment and will definitely be able to follow my goal better this coming week. As of my feelings towards this goal; I actually felt guilty and ashamed for drinking out of a plastic bottle but on the positive side I took it upon myself to collect everyone's plastic bottles from the weekend and recycled them when I left. What I learned this week is that changing a behavior no matter how big or small can be very difficult and challenging but having the positive discipline and dedication to change will help immensely. I also learned that marketing schemes and advertisements are everywhere when considering a behavior change like mine because you can't get away from them and they can hinder your goals/change if you let them. My plans this week will be to continue with this goal but I may change it from three bottled beverages to five just because I purchased these products before we chose our SMART goals. Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@Amy in the Rain


  1. I am so glad that you recycled everyone's bottles. I get guilty feelings to but I think it is important to realize that with this change there will be slipups or certain situations beyond our control. For your situation, I think you made all the right moves in staying as eco-chic as possible. I too am still finishing some Fruit2o bottles that we bought a while ago. The best advice I can give is to try and make one of those bottles last for an entire week before recycling instead of using a new bottle each day. The only downside is that you'd be drinking just plain water but still. In the future, you could buy a waterbottle and use that.

  2. Good job on your attempts this week. I know that certain barriers can keep you from achieving 100% of your goal but you did a great job trying. I like that you made the effort to recycle everyone's leftover bottles from your hunting trip. I would agree with Kristen's advice in reusing an empty bottle for awhile before throwing it away. I do this all the time and it makes me feel 'a little' better about drinking out of plastic bottles.

  3. Great job making a bad situation good. You cannot really help you had already bought them but at least you are recycling them. Just you recycling does make a change for the environment. It is not a bad idea to lower your number if you feel you cannot make it right now. Your goal of 5 could be your goal next week.

  4. Matt, if you can't reduce as much as you'd like... recycle! Sounds like you're doing a good job in trying! It's great that you took the prerogative to recycle other's bottle as well! Good luck next week!
