Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

This past week was the third week of my attempts to meet my SMART goal. I tweaked my goal just a bit the past week so that I would have a better chance of obtaining my goal. My new goal is as follows:

I will drink 5 or fewer bottled beverages beverages a week and I will recycle all of them when finished drinking them. This was a much more manageable goal just because like I've stated before I purchased two cases of Vitamin Water and Gatorade prior to making this goal. I've already begun to cut out drinking as much bottled beverages as possible and I did a much better job this past week in obtaining my SMART goal. I still drank some bottled beverages this past week but I didn't overdo my quota of five beverages, (Yay).  I want to thank my fellow blog members for offering some good suggestions and alternatives to drinking beverages that don't come from plastic bottles. Keep the suggestions and advice coming. I appreciate all suggestions and advice.

I will continue to use the same goal this coming week which is: I will drink 5 or fewer bottled beverages (Gatorade, Vitamin Water, soda, etc.) per week and I will recycle all of them when finished drinking them.


  1. I am glad you are doing so well at your goal. Keep it up over Thanksgiving and good luck! I think it is great that you added the part about recycling into your goal. This step is so important and is often forgotten.

  2. Good for you realizing you needed to change your goal. Making it more obtainable will make you feel better because then you are actually meeting your goal. At least doing five or less is making a difference because before this I could imagine how many more you drank.

  3. Great job Matt!I am glad that you made it more realistic for you because then you know you will meet your goals. Keep it up!

  4. Matt, have you ever tried those little packets of flavored drink mix that you can add to your water bottle? I know propel/gatorade makes them as well as crystal light and some off brands as well! Just a thought to maybe reduce your bottle use a little!
