Sunday, October 17, 2010

Share and Voice: Lakewalk

I read a very interesting article regarding the lakewalk becoming more eco-friendly. The City of Duluth has been awarded a grant in the amount of $41,159 from the Department of Natural Resources Solar Legacy Grant Fund for the purpose of placing solar powered trash and recycling units along Duluth's Lakewalk. It is estimated over 1 million people use the Lakewalk annually, which contributes to the high volume of garbage, according to the City. The trash containers can hold up to 5 times as much as traditional containers. The units use solar energy to run a compactor that reduces the trash. The trash containers operate on about the same amount of energy as one Christmas-tree light. I found this information to be very beneficial and it's nice to see that our city is trying to do its part to make things more friendly to the environment. It was a breath of fresh air so to speak to hear about these efforts to go more green. Well done Duluth! You can read more on this topic at: (Lakewalk).


  1. Matt this is awesome news! The lakewalk is a great place and its nice to see that Duluth is wanting to take care of it and make it more eco-friendly. Its also very awesome at the amount of energy that is not used in the trash cans. Hopefully other places in Duluth can work towards this too.

  2. This is great news! Canal Park has so many tourist attractions that I was curious as to why they were not attempting to go more green by at least putting recycling bins down there. Canal Park offers so many different types of restaurants and food vendors that of course trash would soon start to pile up. The amount of the grant we received is ridiculous! (In a good way). Hopefully with the help of organizations, consumers, and the city we can make Duluth more eco-friendly everywhere and not just the Lake Walk.
