Monday, October 25, 2010

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

  1. For this eye opener we had to pick one cosmetic product that we use most frequently and I chose Listerine Total Care because I probably use this product most often (twice a day). We used the website Cosmetic Database to score and analyze the particular product that we chose. I have to admit that I wasn't to concerned about the health risks with this product but after reading the website's analysis my mind was changed and I'm seriously considering changing brands. I guess I've been a victim of marketing and popularity.
  2. The ingredients that raises the most concerns were sodium fluoride and ethanol (alcohol). The concerns in each of these ingredients are: cancer, developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), additive exposure sources, irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), enhanced skin absorption, biochemical or cellular level changes, occupational hazards, and use restrictions. The overall score for this product according to the Cosmetic Database was a 5 out of 10 which is a moderate hazard. Some healthier alternatives to this mouthwash are: Jason Natural Cosmetics Nutrismile Mouthwash, Thera Breath Plus Rinse, and Herbal Choice Mari Mouth Wash just to name a few.
  3. To be completely honest I was very surprised and shocked to read some of the possible health hazards associated with the product that I use and I'm considering switching brands to be more health conscious. I found this site to be very informative, beneficial, and health conscious and will probably use it in the future when buying certain cosmetic products.  
  4. Information obtained from: (Cosmetic Safety Database).


  1. I was very shocked by my results too. I chose hairspray as mine because I use it on a daily basis. It caused many of the same concerns as the Listerine. It also received a score of five, a moderate hazard. Isn't it just crazy that a product you use that was suppose to be so "harmless" turns out to be a great danger. Scary!

  2. Matt as Alicia and you both were I was too very shocked at how harmful my product was. It made me kind of scared to think that I had no idea that those kinds of toxic ingredients were in my product. hopefully we can all find some alternative products that are a bit safer.
